Review: Meta Mate Raw - Exceptional! Review of Meta Mate by OrganicMate.Net. Check out YerbaMate South Africa's Review as well Meta mate raw is absolutely the best yerba mate I have ever drank, if not one of the finest natural beverages I have ever consumed… and I...
The Meta Mate Blog
Easter Mates…
This year the Meta Mate Easter Bunny had a toothache and decided to bring us some unique porcelain eggs, of sort instead of MateKati (our much loved mate chocolate. In case you are looking for a last minute Easter treat, Meta Mate Berlin, will unfortunately be closed...
Bear in mind these Dates for 2015’s last Mates…
As the year comes to an end and many mate drinkers are away, celebrating festivities with families, we wanted to advise you of our limited opening hours…. Meta Mate Berlin will be closed from 25 - 28 December. However, on Dec 27, 2015 we will be at the 32C3 in...
A Mate with Family Prado Gehm
As 2015 nears to an end, we wish all of you the time to sit down and enjoy a good mate in a peaceful setting. December has been filled with many memorable mate moments, here in Berlin sharing mate with all who come our way, and in Brasil, reconnecting with our mate...
Sowing the seeds for new mates…
Nearly a decade after we first drank what is today known as Meta Mate, two old friends have spent some days together drinking many mates and sewing the seeds in the forests for the tradition to continue. Little did we know back then that 'Mate do Alemao' would make...
A sip of something familiar in foreign lands…..
As of late there have been many debates as to how the German government is handling the massive influx of refugees in the past months. In the past weeks many sports halls in Berlin have been converted to emergency, temporary dormitories for refugees as the officials...
Which Mate is for you. Mate, Cuias & Bombas 101
A novice Mate drinker is often faced with many questions. Especially, non-South Americans are often overwhelmed with the Spanish and Portuguese words that make up the Mate vocabulary….Yerba, Erva, bomba, Bombilla….What type of Mate should one drink? What utensils...
Mate with an Argentinean Ambassador
We recently had the honor of being invited for a Mate Presentation at the Argentinean Embassy with Argentinean Mate Ambassador Karla Lorenz. Lorenz, author of a book on Yerba Mate and a renowned Mate Sommelier was in town for a short visit to promote her work, her...
Mate and Politics: Oct 16 @ 18 hrs
Click here to view the Video from the Mate with Mohammad and Fabio On October 16th 2015, Meta Mate invites MdA Fabio Reinhardt (Sprecher für Integrations- und Flüchtlingspolitik - Piraten Partei) to sit down and have a Mate with Syrian rapper and political...