The Meta Mate Blog


Visit the Guarani (Meta Mate and Guarani people connection).

From the forest to the forests. Meta Mate starting to work with guaranis. ...this is to present to you our first contact to the guarani... Tekoa Ivy Porã Village Fabricio do Canto, Fabiana Loyala and Nina Menocal went there on 9 December 2023. In the Jaraguá reserve,...

Meta Mate From Forest For Forest

The masses follow a minority of evil men in destroying their own base of life just because they simply don't know better. They don't have their feet on the ground, because they are forced to go higher and higher And those who can't keep up with that struggle, either...

Family Friendly Mates

Family Friendly Mates

Preserving family traditions, caring for nature, and providing a premium product to nourish a wider circle are values that unite many of our partners. Unlike other companies where products are manufactured anonymously in automatized processes or created in labs...

Mate with Meta

Mate with Meta

Mate drinking is firstly about taking a moment to connect with oneself within and sharing the gratitude and good feelings (Meta) with those around. The more we are able to practice the act of drinking and sharing the mate with this consciousness, the more we are...

Mate At Home

Mate At Home

They say you are never alone with a good mate. This is what the Guarani God Tupa promised an indigenous elder when he presented this miraculous drink to strengthen him and share with his tribe, the self-proclaimed protectors of this planet. Try our 2019 Craft...

Bio for the Butterflies!

Bio for the Butterflies!

Pesticides? No Thank you! Together with the Alliance for a Grandkids‘ suited Agriculture we are providing a model for biodynamic sintropic reforestation. The reforestation project was relaunched in January 2020 to prepare the ground for planting a project that will...

The time is now…

The time is now…

Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. History is calling from the future, a hundred years from now. Calling the conscience of humanity to act with the fierce urgency of now. This is the time.  The third world war — of profit versus life — is already...

4 Generations & Further – Family Gehm

4 Generations & Further – Family Gehm

The Family Gehm – Felipe, Ticiano & Simone Gehm. Fabricio do Canto. Vilsom & Salete Gehm, Leticia & Raven, Tiago Gehm. Photos by Victor Hugo Cecatto Autonomous farmers like Family Gehm are now officially permitted to produce organic craft mates....

Drink Renewable Forest Energy

Drink Renewable Forest Energy

Committed to protecting climate creating forests, but also bring the highest quality of nourishment to men, animals and for the forest itself, Meta Mate has embarked on a regenerative agricultural project with German drink producer Voelkel. Before one can harvest...

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