42 Roasted Mate

(7 customer reviews)


42 Roasted Mate – Low-Caffeine Coffee Alternative.  Enjoy hot or cold. pure or sweetened

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Mateccino with rosted meta mate

This mate is the perfect coffee substitute

This leafy roasted mate from Brasil has a maltier taste than traditional green Mates, with a nutty flavour which makes its an ideal coffee substitute.  Roasted in a manner similar to coffee, this Mate yields an flavorful drink providing energy without  jitteriness.  It has a toasty, comforting chicory note that combines well with milk and sugar as well.

This Mate can be enjoyed warm as a coffee substitute, either black or sweetened with milk and sugar.

AS COFFEE SUBSTITUTE:  If using a french press,  use 2 Tbs Mate with 1L boiling water and let it infuse for 2-5 minutes.  We recommend grinding this mate in a coffee grinder when using it in an espresso machine or filter in order to intensify the flavour.  The Mateccino at Cafe 60 Degrees in Berlin, Friedrichshain is gaining fans who also purchase the mate to make at home.


Roasted mate served iced and sweet is loved on Rio's beaches

Roasted mate served iced and sweet is loved on Rio’s beaches

Alternatively it is popular as a refreshing summer drink on the beaches in Brasil, sweetened and chilled. Be inspired by the DIY culture and make your own Mate Brause at home with this mate.

This mate is industrially produced for us, we have visited the plantation and production facilities and can garentee that it is free from pesticides and is dried in the highest of hygenic standards.   It is certified Organic by EcoCert.


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Meta Mate
Mateccino with rosted meta mate
Roasted mate served iced and sweet is loved on Rio's beaches
Mate-Bier mit gerostet Meta Mate 42