Mate Tofu

Delicious Mate Tofu made in Berlin by the Soya Rebels.  This organic, smoked Tofu made out of Soya beans grown in Germany is mixed with a soluble Mate in the soya milk and tempered with an edible raw mate available at our shop or on Fairnopoly. The Mate is selected...

Mate Lobby pushes for Healthy Drinking

Proposal to define PAH limits in drinks adopted by coalition in Berlin City Council The Mate Cancer Research Project that we carried out last year in conjunction with the Beuthe University revealed that there are no maximum limits for carcinogenic PAH contents in...

Follow the Yellow leafed road..

As the weather starts to change, and it gets colder and darker, mate is a perfect way to warm up, energize and strengthen your immune system. Combine your Mate with herbs to combat the clouds and enjoy the beautiful fall colors. All you have to do to get to the source...

MATEmatic Mania

‘If you want to look like a Berliner, walk around with a bottle of Mate in your hand,’  this insider’s tip has started to make waves amongst the tour groups that search for the alternative reminisicints of Berlin in hidden corners like the Pirate...

Mate Monday in the 1337Lab

Mate Fans have plenty to look forward to this month with new additions to the Mate Limo market, and summer is still in the air judging from the amount of Mate tourists who keep popping in to try all the Mates that they cannot get back home. On 12 Aug 2013, we take the...

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