Preserving family traditions, caring for nature, and providing a premium product to nourish a wider circle are values that unite many of our partners. Unlike other companies where products are manufactured anonymously in automatized processes or created in labs without any contact to natural raw ingredients, with our mates, we are assured that there are people standing behind the production who are constantly monitoring the quality with personal consumption of the very same mate that we drink here.

From our small-scale craft mate producers such as the Family Gehm to the larger long-term partners such as the Picolo Family (Barao), many of the relationships with suppliers and customers go beyond business and have developed into deep friendships. At the basis is a mutual commitment to work together to supply consumers in Europe with high quality mates that have a positive impact on the planet by giving value to forests and traditional techniques combined with technological innovations.
This is similar with the Firma / Family Voelkel to whom we have been supplying mate to for almost 5 years for their bottled Mate limos. Earlier this month, Voelkel launched a campaign to highlight the sustainability behind the sourcing of their raw ingredients by using MetaMate in their drinks. The urgency for consumers to reflect on the choices they make with their purchases was conveyed by the Voelkel family as they shared their commitment towards supporting biodynamic principles.

Following the premiere of a film featuring graphic images of the destruction of the Mate forests, guests were invited to tour the company and see first-hand how the mate leaves are brewed into the bottles, and finally had a chance to make their own DIY mates by combining mate with other flavors in the laboratory.

Fun aside, the afternoon aimed to support a social media campaign to reach a wider public with the concept of sustainable mates and we hope that this message will be spread by the PR content generated in Brasil and on the afternoon with the journalists present.