Pesticides? No Thank you! Together with the Alliance for a Grandkids‘ suited Agriculture we are providing a model for biodynamic sintropic reforestation. The reforestation project was relaunched in January 2020 to prepare the ground for planting a project that will bear fruits for future generations.
In February 2020 we were joined by Stefan Voelkel, (organic juice producer) to explore the benefits of planting Biodynamic Mate. Together with Voelkel Juice from Germany we want to ensure that there are organic mate forests for future generations#mate#reforestation#demeter#drinkrenewableforestenergy#butterfly

Mate drinking is about cooperative connections. Biozisch – von Baume zum Brause. We are happy to co-create projects with our partners #reforestation#drinkrenewableforestenergy#metamate#corporateresponsibility#sintropia#ackergifteneindanke

Plan(t) ing our future! We ? our mates and want to make sure that younger generations can enjoy this euphoric drink around the world. Drink Renewable Forest Energy! Von Baum zum Brause! #biozisch#reforestation#greenenergy#demeter#ackergifteneindanke

We want to one day see Mate forests with beautiful butterflies flying around! And thanks to the reforestation project with Voelkel Juice this will one day become a reality. Here in this video Stefan explains the significance of the reforestation work we are starting.