Meta Mate’s mission is to engage family farms and rescue small scale production where the local farmers have access to the very best quality they might export to importing countries. Besides that we wish to make agreements with the right industrial partners to produce a rooibos/mate blend and bring together two ancient cultures. That is what we do in Brazil. Work with the smaller together with the biggest to make possible a better new model of sovereign food supply.
Three years ago, Fabricio met Jovi from Yerba Mate South Africa at the International Mate Congress in Uruguay, and since then the two have been envisioning combining artisanal Rooibos from South Africa with Meta Mate to bring about some delightful blends. In April 2017 this has come to play as the 2 journey to mountainous region of Cederberg, where the Rooibos grows wild to gain an insight on this plant native to South Africa.
Rooibos gained popularity through adoption by colonizers (like the missionaries and mate), due to its composition and it remains a favourite for those wishing to have caffeine free mates. It’s enriching content, which like mate include many antioxidants and minerals have contributed to its global popularity, however, real rooibos varies vastly in quality from the caramel vanilla flavoured rooibos that you may have tried up until now.
Reviews from one of our Materos:
R42 – Roasted Mate & Rooibos I like it so much but i adding 1 more spoon of roasted mate when brew 1 liter . Even my nonmate colleagues like it
Red Smoke – Craft Moonshine Mate & Rooibos – I think it one of the best blends from all
After spending a week out in the wild Red Bush, Fabricio and Jovi will return briefly to Cape Town for a Mate Circle at the Cafe Byblos on April 22nd before setting up camp at Africa Burn, where they expect to share lots of Mates and Terere’s in this radical communal non commercial space. We expect the Mate resonate greatly there.

Mtho Dube from Byblos Trading Co. one of Cape Town’s premiere Sebadores
Bonitas imagens refletem as boas idéias de vocês, gostei da sugestão de compor uma bebida com duas plantas tradicionais.
Abraço Brasiliense!