5 years ago we arrived in Berlin from Brasil with our kids, suitcases, 10 kg of self-made Mate and a dream – to spread the Mate culture amongst as many people as possible and share this amazing drink that had kept us company throughout our nomadic wanderings.
Unaware of Club Mate or Fritz Cola’s existence at the time, we took a carpet and a couple of kilos to the Mauer Park and a self painted sign and watched the world flock by us as we sipped on our mate.
After a year of doing stands at different markets around the city, we were ready to commit and were sure we would stay and rented out the cheapest space we could find in our neighborhood on a quiet side-street…..and slowly the mate started spreading….
JOIN US ON 25th JULY from 11am to 8pm to celebrate 5 years of META MATE in Berlin.