XXL Meta Mate Bomba


This puts all bombillas to shame – Extra long bomba with a triple cooler to enjoy the best mates

18 in stock


xxl bombaThis bomba was designed by Meta Mate in January 2017,  inspired by the old pictures of Gaucho’s sipping mates from extremely long bombas,  Crafted by our partners in Brasil, Bortonaggio, this 40 cm long bomba allows you to proudly drink your mate with your head held high.

Affixed with a triple cooler, the bomba allows you to enjoy mates at higher temperatures than normal without burning your tongue, highly recommended with smokey craft mates on the cold winter days.

This bomba, made from pure inox is fitted with a  smooth mouthpiece and fine filtration system to enhance your mate drinking experience. In case you are taking a break from your favourite mate, the Bomba may be used as a tea straw with any other herbal tea.


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