The mystery to the rich flavour from Tolloti’s mate does not lay in the native leaves that stem from the surroundings of Palmeiras, the former mate capital of the ‘world’.
Perhaps it is enhanced by the fine milling from an ancient wooden morter run by a rustic watermill. The innovate concrete- caged ‘Forno’ created by the mate maker himself impregnates the mate with campfire notes.
But the real secret, the ‘eye-opener’ to say (no pun intended) lies in the experienced hands that steadily sapeco each and every leaf that is transformed into one of our favourite Craft Mate’s : Tolloti’s Forno. In all of Fabrício’s visits to Nono Tolotti, the master never entrusted anyone but himself to oversee the most important step in defining the signature taste of his craft
The silver kilo bricks of green gold that we receive annually are treasured by materos around the world. Our annual craft harvest just arrived in Berlin this past week. And this year more than ever, we all will savour every sip from Augusto Tolloti’s last Craft Moonshine Mate. On Monday, 30 October 2017, we received the sad news that Sr. Tolloti passed away. Our thoughts are with his family to whom we can only try to comfort with the belief that his spirit lives on in the craft cuias that we share with one another.
We still can enjoy the art of Sr. Auguto in this last harvest, but most importand know is to plan and hope that Zeca, his son, and Emanueli Crestani Tolotti, his granddaughter are gifted with his talent and that we can do what is possible so they can pass this moment as well as possible. Rest in peace Nono Tolotti!.
We use the occasion to share some unreleased images taken by photographer and friend Victor Hugo Cecatto back in 2014 of Tolloti – the man and the mate .

The region where this mate comes from

The waterwheel that powers the mill

The concerete carijo
Sharing Mate spirt of Meta Mate: just as mate connects people, Meta Mate fosters encounters to bring the best mate for the people, and bring the forest and the uru mate maker spirit. Here is Sr. Tolloti showing Jovi from Yerba Mate South Africa how he sapeco’s the mate .