Consumed for centuries by the south american tribes for its rejuvenatory and invigorating effects, considered a liquid vegetable that sustained the South American cowboys in times of famine or along hard journeys, Mate is finding a place in the modern world as a natural mental and physical performance enhancer.
Vancouver Health Coach Suzanne Zilkowsky notes that Mate is ‘a traditional source of health and energy. ‘
50 Years ago, long before the word ‘superfood’ was coined, the Pasteur Institute and Paris Medical Association claimed that “it is difficult to find a plant in any area of the world equal to mate in nutritional value,” and that it contained “practically all of the vitamins necessary to sustain life”.
A pioneer innovation called Meta Mate RAW is the purest form of (yerba) mate on the planet.

Raw Mate makes a great booster in your favourite smoothie recipe.
RAW is Edible…smoothie!
Meta Mate Raw contains all the original nutrients of the living leaf. As a raw dehydrated product it can be rehydrated by letting it sit in a cup of water for a few minutes and be consumed as an infusion, blended in smoothies, or used in other food preparations.
Jovald Henriksen, the ‘Chief Yerbameister’ of Yerba Mate South Africa, who praises Raw Mate highly in his blog, recently shared with us why he likes to drink Meta Mate Raw while Rock climbing
Meta Mate Raw – the energizing superfood
Sport climbing and bouldering are very social sports. We spend more time sitting and chatting than what we do actual climbing and for that reason mate and tereré were the perfect fit. The bonus for us as climbers is caffeine long lasting kick we get from the mate and for those among us that are health conscious we prefer to get our caffeine from mate than from coffee. The purest mate is the raw mate. It’s the one that really contributes something more than just caffeine. It’s loaded with nutrients make us feel good . We can’t afford to have raw every day, but we use it during the really tough climbs.
Fresh. Sweet. Pure. Clean. Floral and fruity.
Meta Mate Raw’s unique processing method sets it apart in taste from all other mates. ‘ There is almost NO bitterness or bite to this mate.’ Wine sommelier, Mark Kozar remarked that Meta Mate Raw, ” is yerba mate on a whole new level.”, noting that this mate has exceptional complexity, depth, very fine tannic presence, with numerous delicate, intricate nuances…
Drinkers of our Raw Mate experience a natural energizing effect. Although this mate is not strong in caffeine, the high minerals, calcium, potassium and magnesium can give a stimulating effect….
Meta Mate Raw stems from planted protected forests in the Santa Catarina region, where they grow in a spacious agroflorestal environment under the shade of other native trees. A traditional mate producer with an extensive knowledge for Craft Mate production provided his infrastructure for a food scientist who created a new way to dry mate, preserving the maximum amount of nourishment.
Only healthy leaves between 6 months and 1 year are individually plucked from the mate trees. ; and cares well for the condition of his trees.
This careful hand selection of the Mate leaves is inspired by the Asian tea pluckers and is unknown in the Mate industry, where branches and leaves are cut. The extensive care and screening that is given to the processing of Meta Mate Raw is unlike any other.
Upon arrival at the production facilities, the leaves are once again individually examined in sterile surroundings for minor signs of contamination. at this stage about 5% of the leaves are sorted out. The Mate is then rinsed with energized water something that is also unique in comparison to other Mates, where the leaves are never washed during the production process.
After removing excess water through centrifugation, the mate is shock frozen and then slowly dried in an environment below 45°C.
Sustainable production and technological evolution
As the harvesting process involves only the plucking of individual leaves we are able to harvest and produce this mate throughout the years without harming the Mate trees and the smoke-free indirect low temperature drying make it possible to produce this mate in a decentralized model without the need for industrial infrastructure.
Whereas, in the past tribal and gaucho men dominated the mate collection and production in the 21st century it has evolved. Meta Mate Raw, is the first Mate of its kind that was developed following scientific research by a woman and its uniqueness lies in the extensive care in its production that cannot be mechanized.
Its eco-footprint and taste mirror each other ‘clean, smooth, and soft… with no bitter sting or burn.’

Sprinkle some Raw Mate on top of your favourite dish
Raw Mate Recipes:
Use Meta Mate Raw as an add-on in all of your favorite recipes:
Smoothies – Soak 1-2 Tbs of Raw Mate in Water or Juice for 5 mins and then blend it together with other ingredients in smoothie or juice of your choice. We recommend stronger flavors like Orange, ginger, Apple to counterbalance the bitterness
Topping: Next time you cook a rice dish, soup, or even bake a pizza, temper this dish with 1-2 Tbs of Raw Mate by just sprinkling it on top 10 minutes before serving to add a little kick to your meal.
Experimenting: Knead 3-4 Tbs of Raw Mate into a bread dough, mix it in your cake batter, use it as a base for your veggie stew, this mate offers foodies the chance to let their creativity run wild.
Contributing authors: Yerba Mate South Africa. & Organic Mate Canada