Choose from our selection of porcelain cuias hand made in Berlin.
Our Ceramic cuias reminded some drinkers of antique porcelain cuias that they remember seeing in collections back home. Similar to our experiences with the Lebensmittelamt who led us to create the Ceramic Cuias because traditional gourds have the potential to mould; when the native mate region was colonized, a tradition emerged of cultivating a hygenic, civilized way to consume mate – porcelain manufactured in Germany.
Prenzlauer Berg based Porcelain sculptor Claudia Schoemig has helped us to rescue this tradition by producing our first series of Porcelain Mates. These finely-crafted cuias are a unique addition to any mate collection. A couple of
centuries after the crafting of the first porcelain cuias in Germany, however, we decided to alter the design to suit modern day mate drinking. The designs reflect a zen, minimalistic style to contrast the gaudy porcelain antique cuias.
The handmade cuias are glazed on the inside and polished on the outside in order to have a silky-matt finish. The cuias are dishwasher friendly and made out of local European porcelian and produced using ecological energy.
The porcelain cuias more stable than the ceramic cuias and of a high quality material.
Each cuia is individually hand-crafted