Mate’s sustainable energy is no secret for those who train in vigorous sports activities. From Football players to Olympic Gymnasts, a number of athletes attest to the natural energizing effects from drinking Mate.
Cristiane Manfé Pagliosa, who is currently doing her PhD in the area of Lipids, antioxidents and atherosclerosis in the Department of Food Science at UFSC, Brazil was motivated ot create a natural mate energy drink out of personal frustrations of not being able to find a healthy energizer to complement her husband’s Triathalon training
She selected Meta Mate Raw as a base for her product due to its high mineral content that is preserved from the low temperature drying. Although this mate is low in caffeine, drinkers of Meta Mate Raw experience a natural stimulating effect due to the high mineral, calcium, potassium and magnesium levels.
As it does not come into any contact with heat, this Mate is ideal for those interested in the health benefits of Mate and its mild taste makes it appropriate for new mate drinkers to enjoy either as a cold (terere) infusion or as a tea.
In order to make the drink appropriate and practical for athletes, Manfe spray dried the Mate in order to make it soluble and added Raw Cane Sugar and Tapioca starch to the product to ensure a carbohydrate content. This resulted in a sweet, well balanced drink that provides a clean energy for athletes. This soluble mate is most effective when dissolved with cold water and consumed before vigorous training.

Nutritional facts in Portuguese
Manfe’s partner, Mauro, who is currently training for the Triathalon energizes his physical regime with this Raw Mate Extract, it enables him to do the following:
- Monday: swimming (3km) and running (12km)
- Tuesday: Cycling (70km)
- Wednesday: swimming (3km) and running (12km)
- Thursday: Cycling (80 kms)
- Friday: swiming (3kms)
- Saturday: swimming (1.5 km) ,Cycling. (40 km) and running (10 km)
- Sunday: rest
During these activities Mauro drinks this Mate Mixture and remarks that it slows down the feeling of tiredness and the onset of muscular pains, as well as prevents the onset of cramps.