Mate Introduction & Team Building




A Mate circle is an instrument to get to know people, find similarities, bond and develop trust. Originally an indigenous ritual to welcome new-bees, the mate drinking circle was used to foster communication in a deeper level.

A short introduction on history of mate is given followed by a DIY session teaching the preparation of 3 different mates and explaning the differences between monoculture vs. wild, industrial vs. artisanal, Argentinean, Uruguayan, Paraguayan and Brazilian mates. Learn how to drink Mate the traditional way out of a cuia (mate cup) and bomba (straw) and receive a short explanation on the history of Club-Mate and the hacker brause movement in Germany.

An hour is recommended to enjoy the Mate Workshop, and can be open-end according to arrangements. This is suitable from 3 to 20 people. Fabrício is experienced in Creative Tools for Innovation Management and Team building and can by request guide the Mate circle with this focus if request.

10€ /Person, and snacks and bottled drinks can be ordered to it.

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MateLeaks – Don’t Call it Tea

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