Raw Mate 101

rawDrinkers of our Raw Mate experience a natural energizing effect. Although this mate is not strong on caffeine, the high minerals, calcium, potassium and magnesium can give the stimulating effect….


rawteamIn order to connect our drinkers with themate they drink we recently visited the production facilities of our Raw Mate and Fabricio went out into the fields and into the laboratory to document the production.

It is noteworthy to say that the harvesters of this mate receive R$ 2,50 per kg of plucked leaves in comparison to the standard price of 0,40 / kg that harvesters in Brasilian cooperatives receive.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOur Raw Mate stems from planted protected forests in the Santa Catarina region, where they grow in a spacious agroflorestal environment under the shade of other native trees. Sr Clovis, the property owner has an extensive knowledge for artesenal Mate production; and cares well for the condition of his trees.

The Mate pluckers are carefully trained to pluck only healthy leaves aged between 6 months and 1 year from the trees. This careful hand selection of the Mate leaves is inspired by the Asian tea pluckers and is unknown in the Mate industry, where branches and leaves are cut The extensive care and screening that is given to the processing of this Mate is unlike any other.

As this mate is not heated hygeine is very important, the leaves are washed extensively, something unheard of in normal mate production.

As this mate is not heated hygeine is very important, the leaves are washed extensively, something unheard of in normal mate production.

After  arriving at the production facilities, the leaves are once again individually examined in sterile surroundings for minor signs of contamination. at this stage about 5% of the leaves are sorted out. The Mate is then rinsed with energized something that is also unique in comparison to other Mates, where the leaves are never washed during the production process.

The moist Mate is then packed in bags, weighed and put in a centrifugal machine to remove the excess water and  is then frozen.

puttingtofreezeThe Mate is then processed and dried with a smoke-free indirect heat at temperatures below 45°C

As extensive hand work is involved in the processing of this Mate, the production is limited to 8kg / day or 160kg a month as production takes place 20 days a month.  As the harvesting process involves only the plucking of individual leaves we are able to harvest and produce this mate throughout the years without harming the Mate trees.


Each individual leaf of the mate is screened, damaged leaves are rejected.



About 5% of the leaves are sorted out during a screening



The Mate is once again washed to prepare for centrifugation


The leaves are weighed and packed in bags


The centrifugator

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