Meta Materos

Screen Shot 2016-06-25 at 14.00.56The art of sharing a mate and most importantly preparing it properly sometimes requires initiation by a proper instructor.

We are fortunate to be connected with passionate meta materos around the world who can help bring your mate drinking experience to the next level.  Click on the map to find the nearest Meta Matero near you or contact us to register yourself as one.

Meta Materos are Mate entrepreneurs that we shared a mate personally or that proved by social media deep knowledge about mate and hight social and ethical standards.  These are people spreading the mate spirit, with whom we share bombas, opinions, business and ethics. We trust them to teach about Mate and Meta Mate quality!

Here below are a few words introducing some of our Meta Materos;

Veselin.  Bulgaria.  A  Former Executive; Karate, Spiritual and Mate Master Producer of Artesanal Wine. Researcher on Vity and Thracian Culture.  Running since 2012, but living in the World of Mate since 2002. Full acquainted to teach one on the deep knowledge on drinking mate and communicate in a deeper sense.


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MateLeaks – Don’t Call it Tea

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