Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 09.25.56Salete Gehm knows what its like to have to wake up early in the morning and prepare a quick mate to get her going before starting with her daily chores including producing artisanal mate with her husband and sons. An accustomed cuia drinker, Salete adapted quickly to our urban cuia and took delight in the practicality of preparing a quick Mate in our 2 in 1 Thermo Glass.

Quick morning Meta Mate fix for the lazy matero 

1.  2 tablespoons of a fine powder artisanal mate

2.   Warm up a kettle of water (pay attention to water temperature – the 2 in 1 acts as a thermos and retains some of the heat, it is not fun to get your tongue burnt in the morning).

3.  Fill up the 2 in 1 with the heated water, put your bomba in and drink

Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 09.25.39After 1 Litre of Water you will be energized  to start your day.  oO

 We recommend using our Meta Mate Bomba or a similar model if drinking a fine powder Mate. Our bomba Serejo suffices for leafy cuts such as Meta Mate 23.

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