The Meta Mate Blog

Mate Terere 23

Mate Terere 23

With the upcoming summer, we could not resist testing out some experiments with Meta Mate 23  Terere after unloading the 1 tonne shipment. The sunny afternoon lent itself towards unwinding after all of the excitement as we sipped on some 23 Mate Terere flavoured by...

Bomba Serejo

Meta Mate in partnership with PurInox is launching an innovative Bomba onto the market.  Besides the technological development we want to bring more mate culture for the ones enjoying.  This Bomba is a homage to the historian Helio Serejo who spent the first half of...

Super Sources

The saying goes at Meta Mate, that if it does not have mate in it you won't find it here….however, there is one expection; a selection of products carefully sourced from Aurospirul. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE OUR AYURVEDIC HERBS AND SPIRULINA    Although Ayurveda and...

Porcelain Cuias

We are constantly pushing the boundaries in an effort to provide the Mate accessories for fans combining tradition with innovation. Choose from our selection of porcelain cuias hand made in Berlin. Our Ceramic cuias reminded some drinkers of antique porcelain cuias...

Behind the Brauses….

he mate bubble in Berlin keeps growing, outsiders can read about this phenomenon.  At Meta Mate, fans have the chance to experiment different drinks from our modest Hacker Brause collection, those seeking more information regarding thedrinks have the chance to bombard...

3D Printed Ceramic Mate Cuia

Order your own 3D printed Mate. Inspired by EHSM and the people we meet at 30C3 we are developing  Mates for  3D printing. Nábhila Pifano de Resende Faetti  a Brasilien product designer at the FabLab in Berlin has helped us to develop this combining tradition with...

Mate Tofu

Delicious Mate Tofu made in Berlin by the Soya Rebels.  This organic, smoked Tofu made out of Soya beans grown in Germany is mixed with a soluble Mate in the soya milk and tempered with an edible raw mate available at our shop or on Fairnopoly. The Mate is selected...

Paint your face Green

Meta Mate and MPossible invite you to come and put on your green mask on Sat, Aug 18th from 13.37 to 17.00 hrs at Meta Mate Bar. We are pleased to unveil our newest line of Meta Mate products, cosmetics,  featuring: RejuveMate - A delicate coconut oil based...

New Meta Mate drink: Caayari

We are underway with tests for our new Meta Mate cold, fizzy drink.   The labels look beautiful and the recipe is almost perfect.  Caayari, the drink, is in honour of the mate goddess, and the drink reflects its natural, indigenous roots by combining Mate with Stevia,...

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